Basic information:

More maximalist than minimalist, ENTP, Red/Green w tiny tiny yellow, Enneagram: 3w2/4 (balanced), but also sometimes a solid7, chaotic good

I‘m seventeen and I grew up in Newcastle, which is in the north of the UK.

I want to use my life to have the greatest positive impact that I can. I’m very involved in the Effective Altruism and rationalist communities.

I’m in my last year of high school and I ‘dropped out of school’ to self-study maths and physics and move to Oxford. This was an unconventional choice, but I’m extremely happy that I was able to make it. My A-Levels are in maths, further maths, and physics.

I have a place to study physics and philosophy at Oxford this year.

After dropping-out in January, I moved to Oxford on a grant from the Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund.

Why a gap year and why no uni?

I accelerated 2 years bc of good test results and graduated highschool early. Currently don’t have the funds to go to uni (long-ish story) so I decided to take a gap year to do some self-study, work on my business venture to earn money (and hopefully make enough to pay for my own tuition soon!), and start creating content online while learning publicly.